Many times people set goals and never follow through on them.
This can be due to lack of organizational skills, clarity, procrastination or perhaps the confusion of achieving their goals led them to paralysis.
What could be clear to one person maybe overwhelming to the next person. If you need some clarity right now, let me help you gain some insight so we get you moving towards setting and achieving your goals.
- Model your behavior against what you expect in others.
- Remove the distractions and stay focused. IE: Neflix, texting, answering emails, gaming. You get the drift.
- Declutter your surroundings. Stay organized.
- Stay away from negative people or influences.
- Take a breather and experience the serenity of nature.
Whether your goals are related to health, financial, self-development, family, career or even spiritual goals, it’s necessary to find ways and take the necessary action to achieve your desired results.
If you struggle with confidence and self esteem issues, you may be interested in a course I created specifically for individuals who need that extra boost to stay committed, unleash their potential to achieve their goals.
Related Articles:
- How to Achieve Your Goals, Supersize Your Dreams & Stay Motivated
- 10 Things You Can Do Today To Take Control of Your Life
- 50 Journal Prompts For Self Discovery
- 5 Easy Steps to Improve Your Life and Stay Motivated
- 5 Ways To Reinvent Yourself and Change Your Life

A lot of people know what they want, but unfortunately, not everyone knows how to go about achieving it. So these five steps will help you understand how to set goals and I will guide you through some simple steps on how to achieve them. Come along and let’s tackle them one at a time.
1. Decide To Achieve The Goal
First decide right now, even before you write down the goal, is the goal going to make you truly happy? If you said, “Yes”, fantastic!! Now its time to organize and structure your life around it.
With any goal is life, you may run into obstacles but I want you to hold firm to your values and beliefs, stand tall, believe in yourself and have an unwavering commit to achieve your goals.
When you carry this type of strength within, it will carry you through to the finish line. Even if those road blocks occur, your stamina and your “WHY” will bring you over the mountain top!

If you struggle with confidence and self esteem issues, you may be interested in a course I created specifically for individuals who need that extra boost to stay committed, unleash their potential to achieve their goals.
2. Write Down Your Goals
Did you know that by writing down your goals, you are already on your way to achieving them? Studies have shown you become 42% more likely to accomplish them simply by writing them down.
When you see your goals in front of you, they take on a whole new meaning. It makes them possible. It’s that added layer which forces you to define them clearly. Once you see them in black and white, you can begin to modify them, narrow their origin and make them very specific.
For example, you goal maybe to “lose weight” but being specific and attainable would be, you want to “lose 12 pounds.” The difference lies in the details and them it makes you accountable.

3. Share Your Goal To at Least Three(3) People
After you have written down your goals, it’s important to tell your goal(s) to at least 3 people.
When you share your goals you’re holding yourself accountable. If you tell a friend: “Your’re traveling to Europe this summer”, you can be sure when you see each other, they’ll ask: “How’s was your trip to Europe?” It raises the bar on achieving your goals that much higher.
Also, when you are sharing your vision and implementing your plan, you goals may alter slightly but it allows you to think bigger, dream larger and have more precision.
When you share goals with friends and family members who are equally committed, you are not only making a promise to yourself but you are committing to play an active part in its achievement.
Related Articles:
- How to Achieve Your Goals, Supersize Your Dreams & Stay Motivated
- 10 Things You Can Do Today To Take Control of Your Life
- 50 Journal Prompts For Self Discovery
- 5 Easy Steps to Improve Your Life and Stay Motivated
- 5 Ways To Reinvent Yourself and Change Your Life
4. Make Your Goals Visible Every Morning
Another great step you can take is placing your written goals where you can visually see them. Make sure they are in an area you migrate to each morning.
The essence of this is, is to stay mindful and take steps every single day towards achieving your goal. As they say, little drops of water make an entire ocean, this also applies to goal setting and achieving.
As you embrace these small action steps each day, it gets you closer to destination. Days add up to weeks, weeks turn into months and you will soon cross that finish and do your victory lap!
There’s no greater feeling of achieving then having the courage and stamina to fight through it, in spite of the setbacks, challenges or failures you may have experienced along the way.
5. Monitor and Track Your Progress
As you progress on your journey, it’s important to track your progress. There maybe adjustments or slight course corrections you make along the way.
By monitoring your goals regularly, it will provide you an overview of where you are and whether or not you are on pace to complete them.
There also maybe goals that no longer align with your life’s vision and may have to be eliminated. Whatever the case, make sure you review them regularly and reward yourself when you reach those milestones.
Remember recognition encourages and motivates you to keep pressing forward.
I am so happy you stopped by to create a Healthier New You! My goal was to provide you with some motivation and inspiration to ignite your light, achieve your goals, and reach for the stars.
I am so happy you stopped by to create a Healthier New You!
Right now I am offering a FREE 30 minute “Skyrocket Your Confidence“ coaching session.
Imagine creating a life where you overcome insecurities, build a healthy self-esteem level, restore your confidence and ignite your passion.
It’s absolutely Awesome!
✔️ Worry is replaced by optimism
✔️ You have a renewed sense of energy and enthusiasm for life
✔️ You feel motivated about your future
✔️ We will develop a 3 Stage Action Plan
✔️ Uncover hidden challenges that maybe sabotaging your success
✔️ Leave the session with renewed energy to achieve your goals
✔️ Create a Life You Love!
Just click HERE and schedule your appointment today!
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