It’s time to Take Control of Your Life!! There will always be people trying to steal your joy and break your confidence. Stand tall, know you have the knowledge and fortitude to move forward and do not let your current circumstances dictate your future. Know you have everything within you to accomplish your vision and turn your dreams into reality.
Now let’s look at those 10 things you can do today to begin removing issues and/or obstacles obstructing your path, so you can live a happy, abundant life.
1. STOP Talking and START Living
How many years have you told yourself, I am going to open my own business, take those music lessons, teach math at a university or run a marathon? What is preventing you from pursuing your dreams? You know the vision is real. Quit procrastinating and make an action plan to complete your journey.
2. No More Excuses
No more excuses! It’s time to stop talking about it and put action behind those words. Begin by taking baby steps. Sometimes we look at the entire project, it overwhelms us, and we give up before we ever got started. Break the tasks down into easy manageable steps and progress slowly. As you begin completing each action step you will feel a sense of accomplishment and your confidence will grow.
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3. Be Consistent and Persistent
A personal goal is only achieved by working consistently and doing the small things every day to move towards your vision. The most successful people are the individuals who never gave up even in the midst of fiery circumstances. Stay committed and persistent and watch your vision come to life.
If you are not sure where to begin life coaching maybe the perfect solution to get you moving in a forward direction. Life coaching allows you to make positive changes to achieve your desired results. I believe when you set the foundation for a great life, you make a conscious choice to show up, be seen and live courageously.
4. Do Something That Scares You
In order to reach your peak performance, you must do something you have never done before. By taking one small step each day, the fear will slowly diminish and you will gain strength and courage. By facing your fears you are teaching yourself you can handle whatever life throws your way.
If you struggle with confidence and self esteem issues, you may be interested in a course I created specifically for individuals who need that extra boost to stay committed and unleash their potential.
5. Reduce Alcohol and Caffeine Consumption
We all know alcohol is used for socializing and caffeine is used to keep us awake and alert. However, there are individuals who do consume an excessive amount and it can lead to health issues.
If you are a frequent drinker of alcohol or caffeine, you can experience brain fog. In order to take back your life and regain some mental clarity, reflect on your consumption and begin by cutting back or moderate your intake.
6. Take a Break From Social Media and Gadgets
Life can be filled with distractions and obstacles. With the increase of technical gadgets, games, social media sites, etc… Each one of these interruptions conspire to draw our attention away from what we need to concentrate on.
In fact, our daily social media frenzy routine is causing us to miss out, without even realizing it. Our focus is shifted, we start to procrastinate, even though we know the task is important to us.
Even though social media is a great tool to stay connected with family and friends, don’t make it a full-time job. It’s about taking back your life, relaxing, and having gratitude.
7. Keep Your Home and Workspace Organized
Removing the physical clutter around your home and workspace will help you stay focused and bring clarity to your surroundings. When your space is cluttered your mind becomes cluttered.
This clutter overwhelms your mind from the extra stimuli and forces the brain to keep focused on the mess around you. It also signals the brain… that there is always something else needing your attention. When you begin to de-clutter your space, the mind will follow and you will feel a sense of relief!
If you struggle with confidence and self esteem issues, you may be interested in a course I created specifically for individuals who need that extra boost to stay committed and unleash their potential.
8. Make a Daily “To Do” List
The most powerful thing you can do to take back your life and manage your time is to create a “To Do” list. You should create this list every day and let it serve as a blueprint for the day. I truly would be lost without my list. It keeps me on track knowing what I need to accomplish throughout the day.
A typical “To Do” planner is all you need to stay organized. Before you begin your day, jot down your tasks, prioritize each item and if you don’t get everything completed that day – it’s OKAY!! Turn the page and write it down on tomorrow’s To Do list! It will all get done in due time.
9. Exercise To Increase Your Energy Level
Regular exercise is an important part of maintaining a healthy mind and body. It can make you feel energized and motivated helping to boost your confidence and mental strength. An exercise program doesn’t need to be super complicated to provide meaningful benefits. Even a 30 minute walk, three times a week can significantly help combat depression and improve one’s self-worth.
Do you know research has shown exercise:
- Elevates our mood
- Increases our self-esteem
- Releases those happy hormones
- Makes us feel good about our physical self
- Leaves you feeling energized and empowered
- Provides you with a sense of accomplishment
So, let’s get a simple exercise routine started today!!
10. Learn To Say “NO”
Learning to say “NO” to things or people who don’t resonate with you can be very empowering. Taking command of your life means getting honest with yourself about who you hang out with and what activities you participate in. Engage in those activities and friends who serve your best interests and elevate you as a person.
Remember, you do not have to justify to anyone why you are saying “NO”. You can respond graciously, “Thank you for asking, maybe next time” or “Let me look at my schedule and I will get back to you”. Once you start using this technique, it gets easier each time.
You cannot expect to reach your peak unless you are willing to put the time and effort into completing any task. Taking back your life is important not only emotionally but physically. Remember to visualize your plan and to think positive thoughts… but if there is no action behind your plan, it will always remain a possibility. I believe in YOU, but I want YOU to believe in yourself!!
If you struggle with confidence and self esteem issues, you may be interested in a course I created specifically for individuals who need that extra boost to stay committed and unleash their potential.
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