Why does Self-Care matter? Taking time for “Me Time” is one the most important things you can do to support your health and overall well-being.
Yes.. life can be amazing and it can also have it challenges. By allowing certain stressors to invade our space it can ultimately inhibit our productivity and creativity. When we focus on these stressors, they create negative vibes and cause our stress and anxiety to rise.
Learning techniques to establish a positive mindset will help you avoid the major impact stressors can have in our life.
So let’s talk Self Care!
Self-care means taking time out from your busy day to focus on you! By taking action and making self care a priority, you begin to rejuvenate your mind and body. My goal in to inspire you to do those things that make you feel happy and healthy.
I recently came across a great article written by Josh Spector entitled: “Nobody Can Stop You from Getting Better” Josh explains in order to be a better person and follow through with any goal, you need to follow this basic formula. His formula is outlined into 8 simple steps. Click here to reveal his 8 Simple Secrets!
If it’s been a while since you have taken time for some self care… then I am giving you permission today to have some fun and do something you enjoy. I guarantee you will notice a significant change in how you feel and your confidence and motivation will increase.

To help you come up with some self-care activities, I have created the ultimate list of self-care ideas.
Start A Positive Diet

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The food you eat has a big impact on your physical, emotional, and mental health. If you haven’t already, I recommend looking into nutrition and starting a positive diet. One that includes healthy but yummy foods.
It’s important to enjoy the foods you love, however, look at labels and stay away from processed foods. I think you will be amazed how good you will feel when you limit your sugar and carb intake. These small changes will ultimately have a large impact on your overall well-being. When you take the time to nurture yourself, it can become part of your daily self care routine.
Use The Shower

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A shower is a great place to go when you’re feeling stressed, upset or any other negative emotion. Set the mood of our room and do your best to achieve ambient lighting and light a candle. Turn on some relaxing music to tune out all the noise occurring in your mind.
Also, take a moment to declutter your shower space. There ‘s been a lot of research done which claims a decluttered space leads to a decluttered mind.
The shower itself should be warm to hot water. Hot water relaxes the muscles, the mind and will help melt away the physical stress.
Let the water rinse away all the negativity and allow yourself the freedom of letting it all go and letting it flow down the drain.
Now the shower may not solve all your problems, however, it is a relaxing self care routine allowing you to unwind and have some quality time for yourself.
Talk To Your Friends

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Our friends can be a major source of self-care and being selective about who we can hang out with can play a major role in our self care activities.
Life it too short to hang out with the “Negative Nellies.” Surround yourself with the people who lift you up, support you and love you.
Remember negativity is contagious. Fill your life with friends who genuinely have your best interests at heart and challenge you to be the best version of yourself. By doing so, you will notice a difference in your attitude and how you navigate throughout your day.
Self care is about devoting time and attention to yourself which will ultimately lead to mental and physical benefits. It’s time to say good-bye to the drama kings and queens in your life!
Learn To Meditate

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Meditation can be one of the most powerful tools for clearing your mind and spirit. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be religious or spiritual to meditate.
Meditation has a wide array of benefits both mental and physically and remember it will not cost you a dime and anyone can practice this technique.
If you decide to practice meditation as one of your self care ideas, be sure to schedule your meditation for the same time each day. Meditating works best first thing in the morning when our minds are quiet and clear.
There is no right or wrong way to meditate. Just keep it simple, maintain a sense of humor and make it personally meaningful.
So have you ever tried meditating? If not, what’s stopping you?
Go For A Walk

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Going for a walk is a great self-care idea.
It removes you from your current situation and takes you to a new physical location. When you begin walking and feeling the ground beneath your feet, you become aware of your surroundings, you stay present in the moment and feel motivated and inspired.
As we tune into our senses and begin deep breathing, we start to notice the beauty of the trees, the birds whistling a familiar tune or the fragrance of vibrant flowers. This mindful walk gives you the opportunity to reboot, letting the stress and anxiety fade away.
A walk only takes only a short amount of time and can provide healing, transformation and relaxation.
Spend Time Writing

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You don’t have to be a professional writer to spend time writing. In fact, writing can be a great way to practice self-care.
Writing can be very relaxing.
Seriously… writing can be a very calming experience. You see you don’t have the revision anxiety and the inner critic chasing you down. There is more space to experience the moment and who knows where it will take you.
Remember, writing for self-care may be difficult for some of us, however, don’t force it and have a little fun with it. Some of our underlying resistance maybe the thought of trying something new or making the commitment to actually put something down on paper.
Writing can be an intimate and vulnerable all at the same time, whether you are a writer or not.
So, I would encourage you to approach writing for self-care with an attitude of curiosity. Nothing more or nothing less. Don’t think too hard and just be consistent.
Learn To Say No

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Somewhere along the line, we learned to become yes people. We want to please all of those around us to the point that we are willing to say yes to tasks we simply can’t complete.
Learning to say no is one of the best self-care techniques you can adopt and it will take a large burden off your shoulders.
When Saying “No”
Be firm, polite and but not overly apologetic. This implies you are sympathetic, but will not change your mind if pressured.
Be clear. If you decide to tell the person you’ll get back to them, you leave the door open to the possibility you could change your mind. If you lead people to believe you will say “yes” later, they could pressure you to agree at a later date.
No excuses are necessary. Remember, you don’t owe anyone a reason why. You just say; “It doesn’t fit with my schedule” and this is perfectly acceptable.
Enjoy A Cup Of Tea

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Tea is an interesting drink. It contains caffeine but still has the ability to calm us. There are a large variety of tea blends to select from and they all have different tastes and curative properties.
Relax with a warm cup of tea and sit somewhere quiet to focus on just one thing at at time.
It’s about making a date with yourself; whether its at home, at work or the outdoors. Pencil in time on your busy calendar and consider it an appointment.
Make sure you use the finest, premium-level of tea and pour into your favorite cup or mug. Now sit back, sip leisurely and allow the worries of the day to roll off your shoulders.
You will find the action of just sitting there, sipping your cup of tea can bring an extra bonus to your busy day.
More Ideas
Still, need more ideas? Here is a list you can utilize to improve your mind, body and soul when it comes to self-care.
- Acupuncture
- Adopt A Cat or Dog
- Aromatherapy
- Declutter Your Life (Physically and Emotionally)
- Digital Detox/Retreat
- Essential Oil Treatments
- Laugh More
- Being Prepared
- Reading
- Reduce Alcohol Intake
- Regular Massages
- Setting A Positive Sleep Routine
Self-care is important; it helps to keep us happy, healthy and energized. I hope you have found this list inspiring and you’re ready to make some changes to improve your overall well-being.
Love and Hugs, xo