Let’s face it, life can be stressful and how we reduce and manage our stress differs from one person to the next. Whether its our job, relationships, kids or family, all of these stressors can influence our emotions, thoughts and behavior.
We all experience stress to some degree in our life and I know some of us have even been on the doctor’s couch trying to resolve some of those stress triggers. However, there are things you can do… right now, today to reduce your stress and start feeling confident enabling you to feel happier, healthier and more productive.
Related: 5 Ways To Build Your Confidence and Self Esteem

I am talking from personal experience here. Back in 2008, I was being sued personally and professionally for over 4 million dollars. Yes, the stress was real and palpable but I did make it on the other side. I am now a motivational speaker and life coach where I inspire, encourage, and empower others to overcome their stress, anxiety and obstacles. Please email me for a speaking event or coaching appointment!

Now let’s get started on those 8 ways to reduce the stress in your life!
1. Being Journaling. Writing down your thoughts in black and white can not only be therapeutic but healing. When were frustrated or angry writing helps to bring clarity to our situation and it can ultimately help you solve your problem and work through those road blocks.
I recommend using a wellness or gratitude journal to help you organize your thoughts. In addition, you may also be interested in journals where they guide you through the process to bring joy and happiness back into your life. Check out my favorite journals below.
Gratitude Journal For Women
52 Lists For Happiness
Start Where You Are
2. Get Organized. When you are disorganized and surrounded by clutter it can be very difficult to find clarity about the tasks you need to complete. My number one suggestion that I recommend to all of my clients is.. drum roll please, make a “To Do” list and once the list is created, you have “to do” the items on your list.
I know it seems simplistic but it can be very effective in getting yourself organized and on task. Below is a tearing off “To Do” list you can use, but with a cute twist!
Related: 10 Simple Ways To Find Happiness and Bring Joy Back Into Your Life
To Do List Pad
3. Meditate. Yessss… This is a practice I commit to each and every morning. I cannot function a day without a daily meditation. It brings me peace, serenity, tranquility and I highly recommend it if you are struggling with stress, anxiety and depression.
However, it does come with a caveat…. meditating is not something you master over night. It’s a relaxing technique which takes effort, commitment and consistency. But when you master the technique of meditating and breathing it can strengthen your concentration and you slowly begin to “let it go and let it flow”. Things that used to bother you fall by the waist side and you begin living in the moment.
Related: Benefits of Meditating – Guide For Beginners

4. Get Lost in a Hobby. Have you ever fallen in love with something? Not a person or a place…but that thang! You know that thang we call a hobby, also known as a passion of ours or creative endeavor.
A hobby provides our mind with an outlet or distraction. It helps us change our views and emotions about ourselves and loved ones. It can also boost our self esteem, confidence level enabling us to to reduce our stress and anxiety.
Did you know adult coloring is the craze right now to help with anxiety and stress? It helps us to return to our youth and sooth those negative emotions. This simplistic task requires us to stay focused where we can allow all the cares of the day to drift away.
It’s about reverting back to those childhood days where joy could be found in the simple task of just coloring. Check out these coloring pages and get the R & R you deserve!
Adult Coloring Book For Stress
Ultimate Coloring Book Treasury
5. Read Self Help Books. Most of us are moving in a 101 directions, going through the motions, feeling like a robot and having no sense of stability or purpose. Self help books shed light on your obstacles and problems, provide solutions and acknowledge that you are not alone in your struggles.
I have read many self help books over the years and the selection below covers many different areas of your life. Not matter what you’re going through right now; toxic relationships, career changes, low confidence, or family issues, I want to encourage you there is ALWAYS a solution to every problem, even if you cannot see it right now. Be stubborn in your quest to find an alternate route. When your beliefs change then you begin to accept the possibility… there is a solution.
5 Self Care Books To Read This Summer
6. Take “ME” Time. What does it mean to take care of yourself? Are you feeling like you need and want something different but your just not sure how to get it? I know there are days when you maybe feeling overwhelmed, struggling to nurture yourself, your family, as well as, your passions and dreams all at the same time.
But in order to take care of others you need to take time for yourself. You need to make a promise to yourself to make a change and be consistent and committed to it. Which means you are going to have to delegate and say no in order to have a certain amount of “me” time and not feel guilty.
Isn’t it time for that mani/pedi, or how about a massage, perhaps going shopping by yourself, reading a good book or take a stroll outside just to enjoy nature? “Me time” is precious and is required in order to fill up your gas tank. How can you give to others if your gas tank is on empty?

Spa Gift Basket – Bath and Body Set
7. It’s Okay To Say “No”. Life has a way of being both simple and complicated all at the same time. Everyday we make choices and the choices we make reflect how we live our life.
Sometimes we need to use some wisdom and be careful about saying YES to everything. I don’t want you to spend the better part of your day saying yes to every request or invitation you receive. It’s about learning to say “NO”. You can be firm, but polite. “No it’s not going to work for me” and do not offer an excuse, you do not have to justify to anyone why you are saying no.
The first time it may be a bit difficult, but I guarantee it will get easier every time you do it, plus you will be so happy you didn’t cave it and say yes!
Related: Believe In Yourself – Have Confidence and Courage
8. High Quality Sleep. If we are not getting the proper shut eye every night, you will wake up irritable, your cognitive thinking and concentration will be impaired and your productivity levels will be decreased. Getting the proper nights sleep is imperative to our overall well-being and quality of life.
Try to get eight hours of sleep each night. Make sure you bedroom is used for sleeping and not for reading, typing or eating. Maintain a regular sleeping cycle where you go to bed and get up at the same times.
If you cannot turn off the chatter, try breathing in and breathing out very slowly and stay focused on the breath, this will encourage you to stay in the present moment. Finally, avoid caffeine, alcohol and exercise close to bedtime. Remember: you cannot achieve optimal health without a good’s nights rest.
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Right now I am offering a FREE 30 minute “Skyrocket Your Confidence” coaching session.
Imagine creating a life where you overcome insecurities, build a healthy self-esteem level, restore your confidence and ignite your passion.
It’s absolutely Awesome!
✔️ Worry is replaced by optimism
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✔️ Uncover hidden challenges that maybe sabotaging your success
✔️ Leave the session with renewed energy to achieve your goals
✔️ Create a Life You Love!
Just email me today and let’s get started!
